Wild Geese Spiritual Practice

I invite you to join me in engaging in ancient Celtic Spirituality practices in the community and landscape where we live. Celtic spirituality looks to find the Sacred engaged with the Secular, the Holy at work in the world around us.​​

After  several years of incorporating Celtic traditions in my personal spiritual practice, I am committing to take this practice out of the silence of my home and into the world. For the next 12 months I will be following and adding onto the 12 chapters of Christine Valters Paintner’s book, The Soul’s Slow Ripening at a specific time and place at various public and outdoor locations in Munich. You are welcome to join me.

​While my theological context is Trinitarian, I intend to extend welcoming hospitality to anyone who wish to interrogate the Holy in our day to day world. Anyone for whom Mary Oliver’s poem, Wild Geese resonates.