I Stopped Writing – 15 April 2020

My spiritual director asked me how I have been experiencing the Covid-19 social isolation of the last four weeks. (She asked this by video conference of course.) I told her I had stoped writing. She mis-heard me and exclaimed, “Oh what good news!”

I told her I was listening. I was watching and observing. I told her I was waiting with my face turned toward the windows of my apartment. I said I had nothing to say yet. She nodded her head.

It isn’t that I have not been busy. Paying attention requires, well, attention. Paying attention means observing, noting what is different and what is the same. Paying attention means not taking anything for granted including the pigeon couple that lives in the shared yard behind our house. Sometimes the fly up to the roof that extends over our back windows and sometimes they perch on the balcony railing that juts out a scarce half foot from the corder of the neighboring building. Recently, one of them slammed into our window and fell back. He quickly flew back up to the roof peak of the house on the left and his companion landed next to him. She stayed close while he paused to do whatever it is that pigeons do when they have received a shock. I think they have a nest or will have a nest nearby. I’m really not read up on the family lives of pigeons but I watch this pair. And I watch how they watch for the raven that also claims this space. I think he likes eggs for breakfast.

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