Meditation To Go

tree backlit by sun

I’ve been organizing a weekly meditation via Zoom for a handful of folks since Advent. I have very much appreciated the women who have chosen to share this practice with me for the last four months. Now that warmer weather is returning, I want to expand the work offered to an audio/written script for personal walk about. I want to keep this practice centered in being outside, being someplace where God is still at work in our world and while zoom keeps us connected, it also keeps us indoors and close to our wi-fi box.

I’ve also become intrigued by some research that says trees may be more then what we see: tall plants, some with fruit and seeds and others with just leaves. It turns out that trees are often an active part of a community, exchanging resources and giving warnings to each other. It makes think what a God who exists in the community of the Trinity may be inclined to create when creating a world system.

So, this is the trial run. Here is an mp3 file for you to download and take with you on your walk. Or print out the PDF and read from that from time to time. The whole thing is as long or as short as you want it to be. I hope it is of interest to you. I hope you look at trees with wonder again.

The next Meditation-to-go will probably focus on the symbol of the Tree of Life. Not surprisingly, many many cultures see trees as something more then just something to chop down and carve up.

Audio (MP3):

Meditation Audio, four parts separate by peaceful forest ambience

PDF Base Script: